
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) 

This is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system. This system is comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. 

Using a soft touch, I release restrictions in the craniosacral system, improving the functioning of the central nervous system. By complementing the body’s natural healing processes, CST is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease. It is effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction. Some of these include: 

  • Infantile disorders

  • Learning disabilities

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Emotional difficulties

  • Stress and tension-related problems

  • Fibromyalgia and other connective-tissue disorders

  • Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)

  • Neurovascular or immune disorders

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder

  • Post-surgical dysfunction

  • Migraine headaches

  • Chronic neck and back pain

  • Motor-coordination impairment

  • Colic

  • Autism

  • Central nervous system disorders

  • Orthopedic problems

  • Traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries

  • Scoliosis

Myofascial Release

This is a non-invasive approach to lengthening and softening tissue. Stress, trauma, posture, or inflammation can cause the tissue to become shortened, hard, knotted and twisted. When released the softened, lengthened tissue will allow the body natural painless movement. 

Tightened tissue can result in excessive pressure on nerves, muscles, blood vessels, osseous structures and organs. Studies show that the tightened tissue can have a tensile strength of 2000 pounds per square inch! This forces our bodies out of alignment or even causes tendons to rip away from the bone structure. Many people report lasting results in just a few sessions and experiences a 50% to 100% reduction of pain.

Lymph Drainage

Lymph Drainage Therapy is an innovative hands-on method of lymphatic drainage developed by Bruno Chikly, MD, DO. It was created from his award-winning research on the lymphatic system consistent with recent scientific discoveries. Lymph Drainage Therapy has been taught for almost 20 years years to about 10,000 therapists throughout the world.

LDT allows me to detect and palpate the specific rhythm, direction, depth and quality of the lymph flow anywhere in the body. I can then practice Manual Lymphatic Mapping (MLM) of the lymphatic vessels. After enough listening skills are developed, i’m able to assess and enhance overall circulation as well as determine the best alternate pathways for draining stagnant body fluid (lymph, interstitial, synovial fluid, etc.).

LDT gently works through the body's interstitial and lymphatic system to activate the body liquid circulation and stimulate the functioning of the immune and parasympathetic nervous systems. Advanced LDT practitioners develop the skill to perceive and respond to the body's innate ability to heal itself. I reroute the lymph by following the subtle indications given by the body enhancing the healing process. This eliminates mental mistakes in assuming we know what the body needs and therefore enforcing pathways that is not optimal. Honoring the intelligence of the body ensures deeper and long lasting results.

Visceral Manipulation

VM assists functional and structural imbalances throughout the body including musculoskeletal, vascular, nervous, urogenital, respiratory, digestive and lymphatic dysfunction. It evaluates and treats the dynamics of motion and suspension in relation to organs, membranes, fascia and ligaments. VM increases proprioceptive communication within the body, thereby revitalizing a person and relieving symptoms of pain, dysfunction, and poor posture.

Visceral Manipulation is used to locate and solve problems throughout the body. It encourages your own natural mechanisms to improve the functioning of your organs, dissipate the negative effects of stress, enhance mobility of the musculoskeletal system through the connective tissue attachments, and influence general metabolism. Today, a wide variety of healthcare professionals perform Visceral Manipulation. Practitioners include osteopathic physicians, allopathic physicians, doctors of chiropractic, doctors of Oriental medicine, naturopathic physicians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, massage therapists and other licensed body workers.

Young Living Essential oils Feeling Technique ®

The natural properties found in essential oils produce a soothing, uplifting effect on the mind and emotions which allow for natural stress and depression relief. When an oil containing the optimum level of therapeutic constituents is diffused or applied topically, the result fosters a sense of emotional balance and well-being. Regardless of your emotional health, the therapeutic properties harnessed in Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ (YLTG) oils can help you improve or regain an optimal state of emotional wellness.


Price Menu:

New Client consultation
90 min session with treatment

Stress Relief Massage
60 minute session

Deep Tissue Massage
45 minute session

Myofascial Release 
60 minute session 

Cranio-Sacral Therapy
60 minute session 

Emotional Release Technique

Raindrop Technique or Feelings/Emotional Release Technique®
60 minute session
(w/9-10 different essential oils)

Senior Citizens Rate 
50 minute session
(age 65 and older)


Lymphatic Drainage

60 minute

post surgery, lipo suction, tummy tuck, etc.
